How to Make Smooth Stone In Minecraft Detail Guide 2025

To spark creativity, Minecraft has a smooth stone, prized for its sleek and refined appearance. Whether you are constructing a modern fortress, a stylish house, or intricate machinery, smooth stone adds a polished touch to any project. So, grab your pickaxe, fire up your furnace, and let the adventure of creating with smooth stone begin.

Make Smooth Stone In Minecraft

You gather your tools and resources to change your dream of smooth stone (Make Smooth Stone In Minecraft) into reality to achieve that modern look in Minecraft. You start mining cobblestone from the depth of your mines with every block you break. You smelt the cobblestone into regular stone, watching as it transformed before your eyes.

As you place the smooth stone blocks, you admire the seamless, clean lines they create. Tour castle walls take shape, exuding a sense of elegance and durability. With each block, you are not just building a structure; you are crafting a masterpiece that stands out in your Minecraft world. Your projects can now feature the refined aesthetics of smooth stone.

Overview of Smooth Stone

Smooth stone is one of the many materials players can craft and use in their constructions. It is a sleek and clean-looking block that can be used for various building projects, from modern structures to decorative elements. Smooth stone in Minecraft is a type of block that performers can craft or find in the game. 

Overview of Smooth Stone

It is created by smelting regular stone chunks in a furnace. It has a clean, polished appearance compared to regular stone, which has a rougher texture. It’s often used in building structures, and pathways, or as a decorative element in Minecraft creations. Its smooth texture makes it a versatile material for various architectural designs in the game.


  1. Furnace
  2. CobbleStone
  3. A combustible substance (coal, wood, etc)

Supported Platform

Smooth Stone is available and can be made on all 3 Minecraft platforms:

  • Java Edition: The original Minecraft
  • Bedrock Edition: For Windows 10 and consoles like Xbox, and PS5.
  • Legacy Console Edition: For older consoles like Xbox 360, and PS3.

Regardless of the platform performers are playing, the process of making smooth stone is the same.

How to Make Smooth Stone in Minecraft Survival Mode

Composing smooth stone in Minecraft’s Survival Mode is a straightforward but essential process for players looking to design and polished structure. It is a versatile material used in various crafting recipes and for decorative purposes: These are the steps:

Required Materials:

  • CobbleStone
  • A Furnace
  • Some coal

Smelting the cobblestone in the furnace 2 times will result in Smooth Stone. Users can see the step-by-step guide:

  • Participants have successfully made Smooth Stone with CobbleStone.
  • Right-click on the furnace. By doing this, the furnace interface will open and consumers will be able to use it to smelt items.
  • Place the CobbleStone into the first box of the furnace and the coal into the second box. This will smelt the cobblestone and they will get the result as Stone.
  • Place the created stone again in the first box of the Furnace. Make sure there is still coal left in the second box. By this, the stone will smelt into smooth stone.
  • Left-click on the smooth stone in the third box of the furnace and place it inside the performer inventory. You May Also Download Minecraft Story Mode APK

Where to Find Smooth Stone in Creative Mode

In the creative world, consumers have access to all the items in the game from their inventory itself. So, performers can take a smooth stone from there.

  • Now players can use smooth stones inside the Minecraft world.
  • Press the “e” key on the player’s keyboard. This will open their inventory.
  • If the follower’s inventory does not look like the image below, they probably have not switched to creative mode, so please switch to imaginative style using this command.
  • Click on the compass option on the top-right corner and search smooth stone in the search box.
  • While holding “Left Shift”, Left-click on the first item the player gets. This will select a full stack of smooth stones, that is 64 smooth stones.
  • Place the selected smooth stone inside their hot bar by Left-clicking in any empty slot. Close the inventory.

Command for Smooth Stone

The give command is used to get items in Minecraft without doing the above steps. These orders are different for Java and Bedrock Edition.

  • Press “T” to open the order line inside Minecraft.

For Java Volume:

  • /give @p minecraft:smooth_stone [amount]

For Bedrock Edition:

  • /give @p smooth_stone [amount]
  • Replace the amount of smooth stone players want to put off the [amount] This will give users those many smooth stones.

Things to Make with Smooth Stone

No item can be derived from Smooth Stone. It is solely a decorative block in Minecraft.

Housing Flooring

When gamers build their house in Minecraft, instead of using cobblestone which gives a shabby texture, they can use Smooth Stone to give a polished and clean look. Full Guide: How to Teleport in Minecraft to speed up

Statues and Monuments

Smooth Stone’s textures are great to use when gamers want to build statues as its smooth stone gives a smooth texture to which statues and monuments look.

Creativity is boundless in Minecraft! It has an artistry game style for a purpose, to unleash imaginative uses. Mix smooth stones with other blocks to compose new designs and textures, it’s all up to gamers’ productivity.


Smooth stone is a valuable and aesthetically pleasing material in Minecraft, suitable for different construction and crafting purposes. By following the steps outlined in the writing, players can easily compose smooth stone and incorporate it into consumers’ programs. Whether performers are building a sleek modern house, a functional blast furnace, or simply enhancing players’ survival base, smooth stone is a versatile block that will elevate consumers’ Minecraft experience.

Frequent Answers and Questions

To make regular stone bricks, put some blocks in the lower-left corner of the player crafting table. Once performers make them, they can combine them with Moss chunks or Vines to generate Mossy Stone Bricks. Participants also have a 37.7% chance of getting a stone brick from a Mason’s Chest in a Village.

To design cracked stone bricks, start with a regular stone brick. Then, smelt it in a Furnace with their fuel of choice. The result will be a cracked stone brick.

Cobblestone is obtained by mining regular stone blocks found abundantly in the overworld. When stone is mined with a pickaxe, it drops cobblestone.

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